Mission Statement

PropArmor Anti-Fouling Alternative & Running Gear Protection.

Marine Growth Protection

- The Advantages -

  • Speed Performance
  • Lower Maintenance
  • Better Handling
  • Fuel Savings
  • Affordable
  • Easy To Apply
  • No Contractor Needed
  • Non-toxic
Thanks proparmor for making my job of servicing these sea strainers much easier.
Good performance for the money.
Finally a product that is environmentally ok and is relatively inexpensive compared to others.
I like the fact I am using an antifoul that is natural, and it works!

Anti-fouling marine growth prevention. Supplements traditional anti-fouling marine growth prevention.

... with a superior foul release product that is all-natural and more effective than similar products on the market.

Boat Bottom Paint + PropArmor = A Great Combination!

PropArmor is a lanolin-based foul release protective coating for marine running gear. Apply PropArmor as part of your seasonal yacht and boat maintenance program.

When it comes time to paint the boat's bottom or clean the seas strainers, re-apply a coating or two of PropArmor.

Works with your boats's current anti-fouling prevention.

Apply PropArmor to your unpainted surfaces that are in constant or near constant with water.

  • Propellors
  • Propellor Shafts
  • Seawater Intakes
  • Unpainted Rudders
  • Seawater / Freshwater Strainers
  • Metal items in constant contact with water

PropArmor will help to inhibit the growth of mussels, barnacles, algae, worms, and other fouling organisms.

PropArmor works equally as well in salt, fresh or brackish waters - warm climates and cool & cold water environments.
